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houston is my favorite payday character.
and just one of my favorite characters in general.

What The HELL Is A Houston

this fella is Franklin Steele, or his alias "Houston."

he was literally created to replace hoxton, and he went by that alias for a while. but hoxton (does this get confusing?) renamed him to houston! houston was a better name for him anyway, since his brother is dallas.

Why Do I Like Him

he is a very relatable character!!

i have seen people say that he is "boring" or "basic", and i simply just dont agree. (totally NOT biased)

it is said that he values efficiency and professionalism, especially during heists. (which is most likely why he doesn't have much of a 'personality.') he is also very short-fused and impulsive dealing with everyday life.

he's often pretty short with his pager responses
and seems to have a hard time talking to strangers
(mainly in pd2. he became a lot more outgoing in 3)
which like HEY ME TOO!!!

i just value his sense of humor, his somewhat awkward
yet blunt personality, and his cockiness.
i also think his interest in cars is super endearing

there's a lot more than this, but i get a little nervous talking abbout characters im passionate about. maybe one day you'll get more houston yapping x_x

tldr: i enjoy his autism and he a funny guy