
GuyWAD 15

Rep ★★★★★
Gamerscore 24,290 🅖
Zone Underground
"Hey, where's the fight at?"
5th Circle of Hell
hi, you can just call me Guy. i'm some teenager with too much time on their hands.
guywad is a shortened version of GuyWithaDisorder. i style it as guy.WAD because i am a stupid nerd. it was originally NormalGuyDisorder. somehow, it transformed into GuyWithaDisorder.
sorry if i come off as rude or avoidant. dont take it personally. i have a hard time talking to people im not acquainted with (thumbs up)
guywad is a shortened version of GuyWithaDisorder. i style it as guy.WAD because i am a stupid nerd. it was originally NormalGuyDisorder. somehow, it transformed into GuyWithaDisorder.
sorry if i come off as rude or avoidant. dont take it personally. i have a hard time talking to people im not acquainted with (thumbs up)