fun facts

my favorite band is Linkin Park. my favorite song by them is "pushing me away"and my favorite album is "minutes to midnight"

my favorite drink is the original green mtn dew. my favorite foods are shrimp alfredo, pizza, and prosciutto! notice a pattern?

i am slightly allergic to grass (i break out into hives)

i main houston in payday 2 and 3. havent played TH sadly but i would probably play as wolf or chains

my favorite HLM1 masks are Richter and Peter. i like silent guns, ok? i'm bad at the game!

i LOVE halo 3 ODST. its my #1 favorite game ever

i like collecting physical media, mainly cds and games.

i have pet rats, their names are Sunny and Kitty. i love my girls very much

i have NEVER broken a bone. but who knows what'll happen


I'm just like Comic Book Guy!
I'm Comic Book Guy, who are you? by The No Homers Club

I am a Primeape!
What Flavour Are You? Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.

I am bitter and twisted. Expect from me acerbic humour and sharp commentary. While I may seem nasty at first, I'm actually quite good company if I like you, so long as you don't mind a bit of cutting to the chase. What Flavour Are You?

monster - abandoned pools

GuYwAd94 15

Rep ★★★★★
Gamerscore 22,895 🅖
Zone Underground

Sergeant Johnson Jumpscare

5th circle of Hell

hi, im guy.WAD. you can just call me Guy

i'm some teenage video-gamer that also happens to be an artist

guy.WAD is a shortened version of GuyWithaDisorder. and its a reference to the file type

sometimes, i can come off as avoidant and (maybe) rude. i just have a hard time socializing. dont take it personally